Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Posting with Popcorn - Chocolate Covered

Phew what a day! I am happy it's now quiet - Pat is putting Bennett is bed and I am snarfing down chocolate covered popcorn from Trader Joe's. It's delicious. Made even more delicious by the fact that it is not mashed potato soup or any soup for that matter.

I am wiped out, tired, tuckered out, beat, you name it. It must be all the rain, or being woken up by Bennett this morning at what I was sure was 4 am and it turned out to be 7 - so no hitting the snooze button. As if Bennett had one.

I had a great acupuncture session today. I think Nancy set me straight. I was really effected by meeting that woman in the waiting room last week and it sort of knocked me out of living in the present - which is no good for me. When I get into the space where I am what iffing myself to the point of not being able to sleep and I can't really pay attention to what is going on around me (I got two parking tickets, which I never get).  So I feel better able to be in the now, to separate myself from that woman in the waiting room. She is not me, I am not her - I am just a middle aged woman eating candy (I love candy), posting on my blog, waiting for my wife to come be with me for the evening. And that, my friends, is a great place to be.

One more thing. Bennett had a choral performance tonight with her class. She has been practicing the songs for seven weeks, even teaching Aunt Ruth one of the songs in the car on the way to the performance. She was so excited. Alas, when the performance started she got too shy and didn't participate. Poor thing. At the end, she ran to me and cried "I missed it." and bawled her head off. My poor girl.


  1. Oh, Ruth, I hope Bennett is not still upset about the choral performance. Too bad we could not convince Miss A to go up there with her. But even some of the greats had horrible stage fright-- think Carly Simon-- hopefully she will back on stage, strutting her stuff at the next show!

  2. Poor Bennett! Do you think she'd give her doting aunts a private performance?

  3. "I am just a middle aged woman eating candy (I love candy), posting on my blog, waiting for my wife to come be with me for the evening. And that, my friends, is a great place to be." -- I love this!

    Bennett, in the bottom photograph, is nevertheless radiant! Stage fright happens to the best of us. I'm sure she'll grow beyond it.
