Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Chuck the Drywall Guy

Pat spent most of the day installing a new floor in the new bathroom. I helped for about an hour or two before pooping out. Pat said it really was easier to work alone anyway. She is 7/8 done, that is an estimate. It looks great and I am glad we are getting so much done on the house. I have this urge to make sure everything is in order. Maybe I just want it all set because of the death thing, or maybe, just maybe it's spring cleaning fever. Death or spring, it doesn't really matter, because lots is getting done.

I called Chuck the drywall guy to get him in to put drywall up in the room we call the "rotten pink room." We need a new name and have tried out a few, even though the room is no longer rotten (the floor was disgusting and even the supports to the floor had to be ripped out) and will soon not be pink, no new name has stuck. We've tried the Gallery, but it's too pretentious. We tried the Great Spot, because the ceiling is high and Pat has always wanted a great room. Something will stick, for now it is still the rotten pink room. He has worked for us before but didn't remember who I was until I told him I am the one with cancer. He and his wife are both cancer survivors. We had him booked to do a ton of work right when I was diagnosed and had to cancel because everything was so topsy turvy. Now we are having do a room here and there when we can afford it.

I e-mailed the electrician to finish the bathroom electrical work. I e-mailed the plumbers to book them for mid-May to get the fixtures in - they did the actual plumbing ages ago. It's all good and happening. Pat and I talk all the time about what the next project will be. There is no end to what we can do to this house. Thank God because I want to be here for it all.

I feel good. I have a wee dram of dread about next week's chemo, but I will not let it get in the way of the next two days. I am taking care of a friend's cat this week, so I have to at least get to her house once a day and that is a good goal for days like the Friday after chemo. Pat is working Saturday, so I have to be on the ball to take care of B. This is all good for my psychology. Having beings counting on me always gets me out of bed.


  1. Just so you know, it's most likely spring fever. Everyone I know is feeling like cleaning out and fixing up our houses. This is just normal life. I thought that might be good news. Happy fixing-up!

  2. I second what Kathy said!

    For me it would be spring fever AND wanting to have a handyman around the house. ;)
