Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Friday, April 22, 2011


Didn't post last night because I was asleep before Pat finished reading Bennett her books. I remember Pat starting Boodles, but not finishing - that was about 7pm. I slept until 10 this morning, had a nap this afternoon and feel like keeling over at this very moment. Phew, this one is a butt kicker. And it's my butt that is getting kicked.

I have to admit that I drove myself to Worcester yesterday and cleaned out the hutch, so I didn't exactly take it easy. And today I went to the Eric Carle Museum with B, Sandy and Avy to see a puppet show. Luckily we had driven together and Sandy drove home. I sort of forgot that Friday is the day I feel underwater and should be kept in the house. I will try to remember next time, and the time after that.

Tomorrow Pat is working all day and I will have B to myself. I am going to try my best to make it a pj day. Lots of cuddling, watching movies and generally goofing around. Aunt Ruth is away. so we won't have our usual Saturday visit. The Easter bunny is coming to Aunt Liz and Aunt Julie's house. I heard he is bringing too much candy and some brisket for supper. I love that bunny already.

I just have to take it one day at a time. I am tired, but through the tiredness I can feel the gratitude that I am not sick and that I know that I will feel better tomorrow. And even better the next day.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds rough, but like you're riding it better this time. Heck, stepping right through it. You're amazing!

    Bob and I went to the Museum of Art and Design yesterday and we thought of you and Pat: stained glass, glown glass, beads.... And then to an exhibit in Chelsea of some ceramic and mixed media work that reminded us of your early wall pieces.

    Gives me ideas for your next visit to NYC.
