Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Broobies and Lo Mein

I just overheard B in the bath with her Broobies (barbies), she said, "I love you, but I don't like your hair." When I repeated this to Pat she missed the first part (about the barbies) and thought I was telling  her I didn't like her hair - a secret I may have kept for the past eight years. That taken care of, and all is well.

I had chemo today. I am like a agitated limp rag. Odd, really. I am in that state where my mind is racing and my body weighs about a thousand unmovable pounds. I do know that I am going to keep working on my sweater, make some grapefruit jam and support Pat while she finishes B's floor. Not all tomorrow, but this week. And I made a pledge to Pat that on Saturday morning I would go to my studio (instead of teaching). I need to clean a little first and sort my glass, but I have a nice 30x30" window I'd like to make first.

I craved shrimp lo mein for dinner, as expected, so we sent out. It was good. I wish I craved lentils with bean sprouts or some other very nutritious meal, but I just don't. Now I am craving a chocolate milkshake. Dr. B. says that in some patients, the drugs increase the appetite. I am only five pounds under where I was when we started in this whole thing at the beginning of August. I don't want to get higher than that, so I may have to forgo the milkshake. Not the first bummer of the day.

Tomorrow I have acupuncture's and not much else. Maybe the bank, maybe the jam. I made the most delicious raspberry and sour cherry jam the other day. I didn't have the heart to can it, so I froze two pints. You may have deduced, we are running out of the jams I made last summer. I have tons of ginger rhubarb (Yumo- Jammy), but no one seems to be that keen on it. Want some? It is really yum-o.


  1. Ginger-rhubarb!!??? Are you serious? I would totally take (and LOVE) some!

    I hope the chemo effects don't make you feel lousy for long.


  2. I think I already signed up for some ginger-rhubarb jam?! That is so funny about the "Broobies" and the hair-- isn't that the prettiest part of a Barbie, her long, flowing hair?! It is even funnier that Pat thought you were talking about her hair! you should let Bennett chop off the hair if she wants. My sisters and I gave quite a few Barbies a haircut when we were kids.

    Avy is suddenly obsessed with Native Americans and wore a fringed Indian costume all day today, with moccasins and two teeny-tiny braids. she wants to be "Hocahontas," as she calls her. It's so cute I don't have the heart to correct her.

    You sound like you are in pretty good spirits, despite today's chemo. I am glad to hear that. Sleep well tonight-


  3. "that state where my mind is racing and my body weighs about a thousand unmovable pounds" -- you made me feel it.

    You can bring a little of that ginger-rhubarb to your next NYC visit...if we don't make it up your way first.

    Love to you and your short-haired "Broobies."

  4. Eat the rhubarb jam with yogurt. Delicious.
