Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, April 17, 2011

More Cleaning, A little Gardening

Bennett and I spent the morning cleaning out her clothes. She was brutal and sad at the same time. Some things she didn't want anymore were things that I thought we so darling that I just had to tell myself, I am not the one who is wearing these things. On the flip-side we kept a lot of things that I think are tacky. Again, I am not the one who is wearing it. So we filled 10 grocery bags of clothes to go into the tag sale pile. And believe me she still has plenty of clothes. Way too many dresses, her wee closet is jammed.

That took most of the morning. She ended up with a strange outfit on - disparate things that she wanted to wear and it was really cute. We watched Monsters, Inc. and hung out. Pat worked her butt off on the new floor. It looks really great. Photos to come. We all went to Home Depot to get as many kinds of glue Pat needs to finish her project. Some of the tiles are not sticking as well as they are supposed to.

I slept too late to get to church. I miss it when I don't go. I didn't get a chance to get into the studio this weekend, but that's okay. A new bathroom floor is worth it. I feel fine and pretty normal today. I planted some herbs in the tiny front garden, did some laundry, nothing really to write home about. But, I suppose, in the scheme of things that each one of these normal activities is a triumph of sorts. I am eating (too) well, my energy is pretty good though I get tired faster than usual and when I am doing chores sometimes I am breathing harder than I would before chemo. I can't say before cancer, because until my colon perforated I was totally without symptoms. Fair or not, I assign all my ailments and changes to the chemo.

I have chemo this week. I will harp on that tomorrow too, and when it happens you will know all about it. I am sure it will be easier this time because I need it to be. That's all. I just plain need it to easier this time.


  1. Say it and it will be so.

    The problem will be if Bennett at 31 is still dressing in what you consider tacky clothes. Trust me, all you can do is roll your eyes behind her back.

    Sounds like you had a wonderfully normal day.

  2. A girl can never have too many dresses or too many shoes. My niece drove my granola brother and sister-in-law crazy with her sparkly shoes, costume jewelry and dresses. She couldn't go hiking without her 'pearls.' Think of B as a creative genious derived from both you and Pat.
