Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Heat Miser

My hair looks like Heat Miser so much that I even sang the song to Bennett. She liked it. I am getting a haircut tomorrow and I can't wait. Not only is my hair literally coming out in clumps, I can't get it to do anything but stand straight up - including the sides. Tomorrow I will post a before and after. Pat thinks it looks cute, but I think it's the love talking.

Talking about love, it was a great day. I sorted and tagged and filled bins with stuff for the tag sale for four and half hours. I am so excited about getting rid of all the crap that I have collected over the past two years. I don't even care how much money I make, I just want it all to go. I still have a few hours of work to do. I am down to the hard stuff and I don't want to over or under price things. If I didn't have this to stew over, I would be worrying about the scan.

It's in my head a bit, mostly I am worried about drinking the huge quantity of the goo they make me drink. It is tropical flavored, but you can still taste the radiation or whatever they are giving me. I told Ruth (who is taking me on Thursday, she is a champion at accompanying me to tests and chemo) that I was going to pretend like I was drinking Mai-Tais. It's a stretch, but at least the thought doesn't make me queasy.

B and I met Sandy and Avy at the park. It was super fun to be out in the sun. I had a great time chatting  with Sandy. Bennett and Avy just spent the entire time annoying the crap out of each other. They are like sisters sometimes- they want to be together, but they pester and poke at each other. They actually had a fight over a piece of garbage today. They both wanted it. Pat had to pry it from Bennett's hand to give the piece of garbage back to Avy. It is nice that B has such a good friend that she can know she is loved no matter what. Isn't that what it's all about anyway? I think so

1 comment:

  1. Can you ask them to serve goo on Thursday with a little pink paper umbrella in it? It might help.

    I love that Pat loves your hair. It is the love talking. It's always the love talking.
