Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Apples, Cheese and Cancer

So I just had a really good apple with cheese and sometimes when I do something really fun, or eat something really good, I just forget that I have cancer. Mostly on my off weeks I forget. By off week, I mean the week I don't have chemo. When I am down with chemo yuckies, I can't think of anything else.

On to other news, my eyebrows are coming back. And I can only assume my eyelashes too, but I haven't checked. That and my leg hair. TMI? I don't know. Just information.

I didn't post yesterday. There wasn't much to report. Just got some errands done and felt like a part of the world. What an excellent way to feel. BTW, I got both cars inspected and took B to school. And other things. You know, it was two days ago and I only remember that much.

I had as good a day today I've had in a long time. I took B to school, I sat at the bagel place and read the paper while eating a sesame bagel, went to acupuncture, had a superb nap, and was late to pick B up from school. It doesn't really matter because all she wants to do is hang out at school. She told me she wants to live at school forever. She also told me that she wants to snuggle with me in the big bed forever. She can't really do both, but we can do a little of each.

Pat and Bennett are out buying tickets for the ballet. Aunts Ruth and Theo will be taking her next Sunday to see the Nutcracker. She's going to love it. Knock on wood that I didn't just jinx it...

So, for today, all is well. I might get up and make some banana bread, but maybe I will make it tomorrow. I have an idea to get into the studio tomorrow. I want to make a window. I need to start making things again and Pat made me a really nice place to work. I just need to clean it up and take advantage. It's now or never people, don't any of you forget.

1 comment:

  1. Remember many, many years ago, you, me & Kim went to see the Nutcracker? I think we hated it and people kept telling us to shut up.

    The last time I went to see the Nutcracker, Christina threw up all over me. I'm not going again.

    Have fun in your studio.

    M xx
