Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday Night

So it's Saturday night and I am fighting the urge for sugary things - cupcakes, ice cream especially. I miss ice cream so much, I nearly plotzed when I saw they had pumpkin ice cream at Trader Joe's the other day. None for me. Even holding bottled water today hurt my thumb.

There's not much new. That's not entirely true. I finished Bennett's sweater, and it is too small. It's a good thing she always calls it Avy's sweater because that is who will be wearing it - if she likes it, of course. I am just about to start on Mary's sleeping hat. I hope it works, because it is mighty cold in our house at night. Mary is coming this Friday. It's a like a bright light in the fog of chemo week coming up. My fab niece Libby is coming for the weekend too. Another bright light.

The three of us went to check out the Pioneer Valley Chinese Language Immersion School. Though the presentation was mind numbingly boring, and the anxiety from the other parents a little off-putting, we all thought it was a really cool place. B kept asking who would be her teacher and if this was her new school. We put in an application and we have less than a 50% chance of getting B in there.  Pat and I believe that B will end up where she is supposed to. We have chosen three options, the PVCIS, the Holyoke Charter School and the local elementary. Even though so many people are afraid of the Holyoke public schools, I think it would be a fine choice. Like I said she will end up where she is supposed to be and we will support her no matter what.

We went out to lunch and after that we were all totally wiped out. B fell asleep in the car and I got a little grumpy. I just wanted to get home and put on my cozy clothes and not think about anything. Not schools, not cancer, not whether I will be here to see B go to Kindergarten. It's just too much to deal with - so I knitted. That helped a little.

Pat is doing a great job on the old bathroom and we are both looking at the house and finding things that are just too dirty for words. It's like we haven't looked around for awhile - a year maybe. It's always nice to have people come to visit, because the house gets clean - well, as clean as we are willing to get it.

1 comment:

  1. I've bought myself a pair of cozy pjs and am bringing my slippers. Can't wait to see you guys and all of the stuff you've done to the house.

    Mary Xx
