Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sorry about that

I've heard from a couple of people that they worry when I don't post. Sorry about that, I just took a break. I think I was watching The Biggest Loser, or some crap. It's actually interesting that I need to learn this lesson again, when I don't post I feel a little bummed out the next day. Like something is not quite right. And if you think about it, so many things are not quite right about now, that I do not need to add another one.

I have two more hats to share with you. This is the winter hat that my sister's friend sent. This friend is a doctor so she knows things...

I look like a skater boy. The hat says Mountain Hard Wear on it. I love it, it's super toasty.

This one is the at I just finished knitting. It is purple with a silver/gray edge. The pattern is from and designed by a bald guy. It's a hat specifically for bald people.

This is how much hair I have now. That's a big forehead. I am grateful to have any hair and I am sure you all are pretty tired of me posting about me hair. It's still there, that hair. And when it's gone, I'll let you know. Until then, you all can just assume I am keeping it for a little while longer.

My sister, Janna, is coming to visit tomorrow. Just for the day, and I can't wait to see her. I haven't seen her in 11 years. I am not sure how that happened, but it will be a huge treat to see her and just be with her.

I am having a very nice day. Pat worked her butt off trying to get a big window put in, she will finish tomorrow and I can't wait to see it. It will let is lots of light that will effect the new bedroom, the old bedroom and a room we used to call The Rotten Pink Room. It was rotten and pink, now it's not. We have to find a new name for it. The Gallery. Now we just need to get it drywalled and painted...ugh, so many things I can't do. I can call workpeople and hire them. As long as the money holds out.

Last I want to mention the incredible gorgeous handmade quilt my sis-in-law sent. It is so incredible and she made it too! I can feel the love coming from it. I can't take a picture right now because Bennett is asleep and I don't want to wake her up. I did want to mention how touching it is to get something so lovely and loving. It's like getting cancer was the only way I was going to ever understand how truly good people are. I just didn't know and now I do and I can't believe the humanity around me. I am so lucky. Praise be.


  1. I'm loving the fashion show. You were born to wear hats - particulary wild red one.

    Have a wonderful time with Janna.

    Love you both.

  2. Hmm, maroon and grey...people are going to ask if you went to Harvard...It looks super-fantastic on you (Theo says so too). Talk to you soon and lots of love!
