Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cross Your Fingers

Chemo tomorrow, God willing. I feel good and have been resting like mad, so if I my WBC are not up to the task tomorrow, I don't know what I will do. I have a list of questions for Dr. B. including the whole why can't I get the WBC shots thing? Can I get my labs done locally? That way I don't have to travel and get turned away. That would be great for us logistically.

I was warned at the beginning of this journey that I might need to find a local lab - and they were right. I just never thought that I wouldn't be up to having the chemo every two weeks. My body has always been so strong and trustworthy.  It still is, but I guess if I get hit with what amounts to poison, things go a little haywire. I keep thinking if I thought better positive-thinking thoughts, this wouldn't happen, but that's not true. I think a lot of weird stuff. Sue, the chemo nurse, says there is nothing to do to about the WBC thing. Nothing special to eat or drink. But I believe my ongoing supply of beef broth from Theo is keeping my immune system going stronger. (I will also mention that Sandy made a great sweet potato cheese soup that is pretty amazing - you can practically feel the calories when eating it.)

I have been on an on-line shopping jag. Tonight I ordered 2 - 40lb bags of dog food. Two days ago it was a new mattress pad. I figure if I can't go shopping, I can get everything on line. It seems to be true. Last week I noticed my shoes had holes (I suspect they had been there from some time, but my mind has been elsewhere), so ordered some new shoes. They came in less than 24 hours. I like that things just come to our house. What else I like is that I can do research on the best brand and just order it and it comes. That's what I did for the space heater for the new bedroom.

Okay, so that's what I've been up to. Pat's home now, Bennett is so relieved she actually ate some dinner and fell asleep in about a minute tonight. She does not like when one of us is gone. Come to think of it, I don't like it when one of us is gone. I don't really like it when my friends travel. And I have to say I wish my sisters and their families lived closer - like around the block.

Anyone interested in a 40 gallon fish tank? It has fish already in it, and it's got lots of cool marbles that Pat and I made on the bottom. I am not allowed to touch it and I am afraid these fish will die if someone doesn't come at take them away. It's a pretty low maintenance, but not low enough for us. Let me know and I will give you the scoop on how to take care of it.

Wish me luck tomorrow. I am resigned to whatever happens, but feeling hopeful. A good night's rest and a nice big yummy Ensure will help, I am sure.


  1. Yay, Ruth. <<< spoiler alert >>> -- You have white blood cells up to get chemo today! I am very glad to be here with you (and am slightly entertained by your Atavanned self; good thing you are not driving). The view is beautiful, although the neighbors are noisy, and the catering -- well, we'll see about the catering.

    PS -- This is NOT a pity post!

  2. Yay, too! Glad you got chemo today and happy you liked that soup. I can feel my arteries clogging when I eat it.

    Hope you have a restful night.
