Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

No Chemo Today

And I am so mad. I spent the last week feeling great and woke up this morning exhausted and in pain. That was not a good sign, and I knew it. I got to Worcester and the first thing I asked Sue was if I got chemo, could she please give me something to sleep through it. A few moments later, I heard her saying to Dr. B. that I was exhausted and my WBC count was 1000 - the minimum. Then they kicked me out. So technically I am neutropenic again.  This I am not happy about. I did everything right last week. I took it easy, I washed my hands to the bone, Bennett and Pat have been diligently changing their clothes when they come home. I have foregone countless hugs from friends whose clothes were not newly changed. And still I couldn't get chemo.

I am so pissed and a little relieved. I have to say that I was so exhausted this morning, I just didn't know how I was going to get through it. I guess I didn't have to. Pat brought me home and I took at three hour nap. I am still tired, if you can believe it. I am going to help Bennett get ready for bed, do a little getting ready for the house cleaner who is coming tomorrow at 9:15. We have to also take Pat's car in for repair and get Bennett to school. Never mind walking Zeus. Who knows when that will happen?

My next appointment for chemo is Monday at 9. Anyone want to come? I am not sure, but I think I need a ride. I haven't been able to figure out the ride situation yet.

More later, my friends. I need to eat some mushy dinner.


  1. I'm so glad that you and Janna had a great visit. Bennett is certainly getting to know her aunts! Rest up for next Monday. love, Joanne

  2. What a disappointment!

    It's a good thing that you've been so diligent or else you might have caught some bugs off of your loving friends & family.

    Get lots of rest and will speak to you soon.

  3. That is disappointing, but maybe your body just needs an extra week to rebound from the last round of chemo. I cannot drive to Worcester on Monday, but let me know if I can help in some other way. I can pick Pat up at the car repair place or whatever.

    Talk to you soon.
