Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chemo Day Two

The pump is pumping and while it's pumping, I am getting more and more tired. Pat and Bennett both have mild colds, so we are all a little out of sorts. Bennett, right now, is refusing to get into the tub, I am posting and poor Pat is running interference between the tub and our stubborn daughter.

Today I took B to school, went to reflexology and had an hour-long meeting with the pastor of St Paul's church. I took a short nap, went with P&B to pick up our new to us car and now I am about to fall over. Tomorrow I have to go to Worcester to return the pump. The only other thing I have to do is take B to school. My ride is not available until after noon, so I should have enough time to have a nap and get my ears in order. BTW it took until noon today for my ears to fix themselves. Usually it's about 10, but today was especially challenging. I really think it's a side effect from the chemo - even though Dr. B says he's never seen this as a side effect.

Reflexology was a dream. I wish I could go every day. I had an appointment with a therapist last night that I had to cancel. I am really sorry, because it is someone I want to work with. I will call tomorrow and make sure that we can reschedule. I had an appointment with an oncology social worker at UMASS. It was okay. There is only one OSW for the entire program so she doesn't take on hourly clients, but is available to talk anytime I am there for chemo. She did most of the talking and didn't really seem that interested in eliciting anything from me. I guess that experience will help me know more about what I am looking for in a therapist.

My time with Pastor Barbara was really great. She is very open and affirming (code for gay-friendly), had a lot of nice things to say about Holyoke and our community. She was great at answering my questions and made me want to continue to have a relationship with St Paul's. She is going to arrange for a healing prayer thing that will happen during the service - more than just reading the names of those who would like a prayer. I really appreciated that, and of course burst into tears. I am going to the 10am service on Sunday to witness a baptism, which I have never seen. I am sort of looking forward to it. This is one of those things that is a big surprise to me.

So, tomorrow more will be revealed. Right now I am about to fall asleep right here from tiredness. I wish I had more energy, really, it would be helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Reflexologist...oncology social worker...pastor Barbara...therapist: you're becoming an expert on how to find the right people to take care of you, body and soul. I like how you've found so much comfort and care in reflexology. You make me want to try it.
