Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Good Friday

Just a quick one - a break for those of you who have been reading my super-long posts.

Therapy was good. Liked her a bunch and will be going back. Had a slight panic attack this evening, but am better now. Had a nap, and almost murdered Zeus for barking at the UPS guy and waking me up. Finished the stained glass for above the door in the new bedroom. It looks really cool. Did some laundry.

That was my day. In there also was the same fear and worry that I have every day. Do I have to have it for the rest of my life? Let's hope not. I also have a lot of that feeling that I should be a better person, and braver person and not have so much fear. But I will remember when I can, that courage is feeling the fear and doing the thing anyway. Does it count if you feel the fear, take Atavan, and do the thing anyway? Does that still count as courage? I think it does.


  1. Ruth, most uf us need a glass (or two) of wine just to become brave enough to mingle at a party, so it seems to me that you're being very brave indeed.

  2. I agree with Mary... it could be a like a piece of the armor, or a weapon, or a swig of ale, or the kiss from the fair maiden that sends you into the fray.

  3. Dear Ruth, I'm catching up so I'm commenting every day it seems. Do not for a minute think that Atavan is cheating. Fear and courage are metaphysical issues but anxiety is a chemical imbalance. Fear may trigger it but lots of people are scared to death and never feel anxiety. If it weren't for drugs I'd never be able to ride in an elevator again! Like diabetes you can eat right and exercise but still need insulin. The brain is an organ just like the pancreas and sometimes it needs chemical help. You are one of the bravest people I know! l-sp
