Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, November 15, 2010

Chemo Tomorrow

Get out your prayer beads, your light gathering tools, your whatever you need to remember to send me prayers and light tomorrow for the big chemo tomorrow. That's all I need, for you to take a few minutes tomorrow to send energy my way. I will feel it - it will hold me steady and help me so much.

As you may have guessed, I am a little worried about this chemo. Maybe not about tomorrow so much as what will happen over the course of the week after. The last time I had this big a dose was my very first dose. Remember the extremely rare side effect of slurred speech? I am nervous about that again. They will pump me full of steroids and anti-nausea, anti-everything before hand, but those things wear off probably by Wednesday night.

Okay, I get that I am worrying too much. It will be what it will be and that's all it can be. But it will be so much more with your thoughts and prayers. So pray-away and I thank you for it.


  1. Lots of love and light beaming your way and a beautiful pink liver, clear colon and clear nodes.

  2. Great big bundles of prayer and love and strength, Ruth! Mostly love.

  3. I'll be sending you lots of love tomorrow (as I do every day, but tomorrow I'll send even more)! love, Joanne

  4. We will all be thinking of you tomorrow, like every day but more so. And I will make you that dessert soon!

  5. Sending you strong warrior thoughts today!

  6. Ruth, My yoga class is going to sit and think of you today. I am sorry that the treatment is so hard but we are all strong for you. It is ok. Sally

  7. I will do some extra warrior poses and send you fire to help the chemo do its job. l-sp

  8. Hope things are going as well as possible today. Sandy
