Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I have a Cold

Want a chemo doc to call you back in about a minute? Call and tell them you have a cold. I am now on Cipro antibiotics. The idea is the virus can set up an environment for a bacterial infection and since I have so few WBC, it can get scary. Why does every normal thing have to be so fraught?

Dr B's first question was, is your daughter sick? Well, of course, we all are. What was I supposed to do when I saw first Pat then B getting sick? Move? Leave the house? Where would I go and how terrible that would be. So Pat slept on the couch and we thought that would be enough - like last time. Oh, actually last time I slept in the back room. Must remember that for next time - because that time P&B got sick but I didn't. 

I am feeling a lot better today, mentally that is. I felt a sort of lifting this morning, I don't know what it was, but I will take it. I took B to school, walked Zeus and went and got gas. Came home paid the bills and make some calls, including to Dr. B. After picking up the meds, I went to bed. It seemed like the safest place to go. I don't want a bacterial infection in my lungs and my colds always go to my lungs. I watched a little TV on the computers, tried to nap but kept waking myself up with a cough, or more mortifying, a snort. 

I also gave up the idea that the CT scan will ever be scheduled. Three weeks ago I thought the scan was all set for Nov 29 with a follow up appointment on the 30th- to get all the good news and I am sure there is going to be some. The scan department does not yet have any record of my scan appointment, so I am going to give this one up to God and let the appointment be scheduled for when it will be. Then we can reschedule the follow up (and all the rides and childcare we've arranged, damn.).  Of course I want to have the scan and find out how effective all this chemo (and rest and prayers and sending of of the good light my way) has been. I also fear the words "it's not working." I have to say, and this is not Denial, I have some indication that the main tumor is smaller. If you must know what those indicators are I will just tell you it has to do with pooping, so I will not get into details. Folks with kids and dogs know how much the world revolves around poop and what it reveals. Not everyone wants to talk about it. Thus, I will stop.

Tomorrow the CL is coming. That is the cleaning lady. The gas company is coming to fix our heating stove, and I have reflexology in the morning. I will have to catch a nap in there and that will make a full day. According to Jim's comment, I am allowed to ask you all to tell me how much you love me. So I am going to be doing that periodically. Like now. I think that will help me feel more connected to you all. I have been feeling pretty isolated and want to feel more connected. So have at it. I love you too.


  1. Ruth, you know I love you. (If you had listened to my message today, you would have _heard_ it!) I am thinking of taking the 10:40 to NY tomorrow, instead of the 6:00, so maybe we'll say hi in the am. Lots of love and white blood cells raining down on you overnight. Have you been bouncing?

  2. Lots of love is raining down on you from Washington State (and we know about rain here!). love, Joanne

  3. Ruth: Bob and I love you more than you will ever know. (Well, actually, hope you will know at least most of it.) Lots of love from New York City, hoping it will shoe the cold-virus away from your house completely. Lots of love to Pat and Bennett too.

  4. Love and good thoughts from this side of the Atlantic too.

    Lots of anticipation about a wonderful time at Snow Farm this summer as well.

  5. Ruth, My love for you was born when you became a part of Pats life. Snow Farm has extended my "family" to include a wealth of lovely people. I consider Pat a dear friend, what a great thing to witness how you have changed her life... and Bennett, holy love batman!
    I love you and I love poop. Poop was Katie's "word" she would say in protest, as a teenager, if she wasn't happy with my rules. Isn't there a sign about poop in the Snow Farm bead studio? (propane- on o2 on, o2 off- propane off). So, poop away and horay for it!!! You are so loved...everyday love is comming your way from little rhodey. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, and some for Pat and Bennett as well. Karen B

  6. Big love from down the street in Holyoke! and poop? you know I know poop, so tell away! I hope the cold clears up soon. We are back, if you want to get together later this week.

  7. Love is heading your way from Snow Farm!!! Seconds Sale madness - we feel a parade coming on.

  8. We love you Ruth! Too funny about the poop! It's definitely something that connects us all.

  9. I love you Ruth - I love your courage and your humor.....but I am only mildly fond of poop! :-) <3

  10. Much love to you all always. Poop can tell quite a story. I'm learning all about it in Ayurveda Studies. If it floats--that's good. Yeah, I've got kids and dogs...nothing's sacred. Prayers and hugs.-sp
