Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, November 28, 2010

5 More Days

It's like my own Advent calendar - counting down the days. In this case it is not the baby Jesus I am waiting for but the results from the scan and what the next course of action is. In case you couldn't tell, I went to church this morning. The first Sunday of Advent, which I have learned is waiting for Christmas and the above mentioned birth. The sermon was all about waiting and how hard it is. It was so apropos that I started crying. I don't think Pastor Barbara knows what to do with me. I sit in the front, I nod my head a lot and never know when to stand or sit. No one is sitting in front of me, so I have to turn around to know what to do. It's okay, I think. It's just good to be there.

So, I went to church, came home and hung around with P&B. I cut both Pat and Bennett's hair and Pat gave me a sad little trim around the ears. Bennett does not like it when I am not wearing a hat. Tonight I took it off to read stories and she told me to put my hat on to cover my figgelly hair. It's so interesting because she doesn't care that I nap every afternoon, that she often comes home from school to find me napping or resting. She does care that I can't pick her up, but now she's used to it. The hair, she does not like. I am happy to wear hats for her. I am much more self-conscious than I thought I would be. I am not going to go on and on, because I already have gone on and on about my hair, as you know.

Pat took B to aunties and I took a long and very sweet nap. I don't know what made this nap so good, maybe because I slept deeply and most of my naps are really just me with my eyes closed listening to soothing pan pipes and waves. That's pretty good too.

That was my day, a little dinner and bed times stories for B and now I am posting. And waiting. And waiting some more. Any ideas to make the waiting easier? Distractions you know about that don't involve leaving the house? I never understood why I didn't see more bald people with cancer out and about, now I know. We are all at home, bone tired and scared to our core of germs. So we stay home and wait...


  1. Hey Ruth, you are raising a fashionista (if that is a word) Bennett wants you to be styling. Tell her Tanta and her Mamma Pat are hat crazy, too! Love, Di

  2. There is a hat to beat all hats in the mail.... hope you all get a good laugh from it.
