Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Neulasta Day

So far, so good. I feel finer than I ever have after chemo. Tired and light-headed, still totally freaked out, I am guessing this is going to be the natural order of things, but good. I had enough energy to take Zeus out for a mid-afternoon walk, do a few chores, then nap for an hour.

Yesterday I treated myself to an Atavan-induced nap. It was lovely, but I don't want it to become a habit. Oh how easily it could become a habit. Blissful dreamless sleep. But today's nap was just as good and I am lucky to be able to have a daily nap.

The Neulasta made my scapulae sore, my spine a little yesterday and the base of my neck mostly all day today. And my left thigh bone has been bothering me, but I am not sure that's a WBC producing spot. Sue, the chemo nurse, said any long bones might hurt. My thigh bones are pretty long. Really all of my bones are pretty long. She mentioned the spine and sternum as prime spots for pain.

Tomorrow church in the morning. I hope the weather is okay. Last week the furnace in the church wasn't working and it was really cold in there. The church is really a gorgeous Gothic style brick building with intensely beautiful stained glass windows. I may become Episcopalian just for those windows alone. If you get a chance, you should check them out, they are that good.

I don't really have much else to report. Pat and Bennett are making cookie dough, I am on the futon posting and worrying. Worrying about what? I don't really know. See above about the (un)natural order of things

I will say a few things about how I have been really feeling lately. I have been in a state of missing things. Picking up b from school, being the person who takes b to swimming lessons, taking her to A-Z to pick out toys. Are we going to be able to have a Christmas tree year? I have been missing my friends and sitting around bs-ing, because I can't think of things to bs about anymore. If you want tot talk to me about cancer, I'm your girl. That I can go on and on about for hours. I want the bs back. How do I do that? I like hearing about what other people are up to, and what their kids are doing, but it is hard to relate a little bit. Four months into this, and God knows how many months to go, I feel like I am not inhabiting the same universe I used to. Anyone know how to get back? Or more realistically, is it possible to get back?

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