Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Post with No Name

Too tired to come up with anything clever, let alone descriptive. Since I have no idea what I am going to write about, this post will have to live with the name of no name.

I returned the pump today and got my shot. The WBC shot in my arm. Sue says I can expect to feel pretty rotten tomorrow but not to take to the bed. Ha! That is just what I plan to do if I feel bad. I may do some laundry and other house chores, but I am not going to do anything to exhaust myself. Can you exhaust yourself if you start out exhausted? Some of the more unusual side effects of the shot are pretty horrifying- blue lips and nails for one. I can't help but imagine a deep shade of turquoise. The one called "severe bone pain" is another one I would like to avoid. Sue says the most common bone pain is in the spine and sternum. I'll let you know if that happens to me.

Okay, mind shift. I cannot assume that I am going to feel rotten or be exhausted. I must believe that the day will bring what it will and that I will do what I can. Pat is going to work and Bennett is going with her for a time then on to a fun-filled day with Aunt Julie. That is the family plan for tomorrow. I will give you a full report tomorrow night.

Pray for an easy night for all of us. Miss B who is still in an angry phase, Pat who has been fighting a cold for almost two weeks, and for me just because.

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