Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Friday, December 10, 2010

Feeling Groovy

Today was a good day. Yes, I have to say, a very good day. I almost feel like myself. I have been eating more things - like cookies, and have not had a bad reaction to them. The only thing is my teeth are not used to anything crunchy, so they are a little sore. I know that sounds weird to me too.  Tonight Pat made me little polenta pizzas. They were delicious and I am going to have pumpkin custard (a mainstay) for dessert. I have cut back to only two Ensures a day- I still want to maintain my/gain weight. They may taste terrible, but those 350 calories go down in about six gulps.

We went to Barnes and Noble to hang out and I splurged on the original Grinch movie. We spent the afternoon watching the Grinch, I also finished another hat using up all the yarns from the other caps I've recently made. This is from yarn that Mary sent me (really she sent a gift certificate, but I think of it as from Mary). I have very little hair left and am wearing caps all the time, for looks and warmth. I like the kind of cap that fit snugly and this pattern is pretty perfect. Next I am going to make a blue doggy hat Bennett has been asking for. I hope she really wants it, as her pink kitty hat met its demise in the washing machine.

It's a little odd to be feeling this good. It's almost hard to enjoy it knowing what's coming, but I have to take advantage because they are going to change up the chemo drugs and they might not be as nice to me. I didn't even have a nap today.

Oh, I met with the woman from Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster. I am not really sure about it. It's a program of visualization (I can get behind that), but I am supposed to ask the surgeon and anesthesiologist to say affirmations to me while I am under. It just seems like too much to ask. I just want them to pay attention to my guts and getting the cancer out of there. It seems reasonable to ask the anesthesiologist to say nice things to me while putting me under and maybe even holding my hand, but I just don't know. I am also supposed to listen to the visualization tape on repeat the entire surgery. What do you think? I will ask the surgeon what the atmosphere in the OR is like. It's a teaching hospital so God knows what they will be talking about, so it might be a good idea not to hear what's going on. I just don't know. I don't even know how to put my Ipod on repeat.

Time to relax and not get too crazy about the surgery. I just want to normal night to go with my normalish day.


  1. Wishing you lots of happy, feeling groovy days! I'm so glad that the surgery is not until after the holidays and that you can enjoy this time together as a family. My semester is almost over and I will be at home with Ali for most of January if you need help. Great hat!

  2. Love the hat, love that you are feeling groovy! love that word. Maybe you could wear earphones during surgery to listen to your tapes and that wouldn't distract the doctors. You might even record affirmations from your friends to listen to during surgery. I worked with vey sick children for years. I spent many of my shifts with them in the PEDI ICU. I watched miracles happen when they recovered afted doctors told us to say our good byes. I attribute this to (us)their grouphome staff being with them 24/7 wispiring encouragement in their ears, holding their hands, rubbing their toes , and reading stories to them. Oh, the power of love and words. I wish for you another great day...
    Love, Karen B

  3. So glad to hear that you were up to eating Christmas cookies. I am listening to Christmas music now and it lifts my spirits. Hugs all around, Di

  4. So happy to hear you are eating cookies and polenta pizza sounds good to me! You know, you may not get those hard-nosed docs to whisper affirmations, but I bet you could get a nurse or two to hold your hand and say some affirming things. Also, can Pat suit up and go in with you while you go under the anesthesia? When my niece had a lung transplant the surgeons let my dad be with her when she was put under (her own parents were the donors, so they were each in their own ORs at the same time). Just something to think and ask about, if you want.
