Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, December 20, 2010

The waiting

Is the hardest part. That's what they say, and I can tell you it's flipping true. I am posting on my iPad, which is a pain, so this will be short.

Had a good day energy-wise, scared a lot of the time, worried about being scared, tried my darnedest not to scared or worried. I miss my old life so much. I miss the things I used to worry about. What were they? I am not sure I remember. I couldn't think of one thing to ask for Christmas. I don't really need anything and all I want is to live a long long healthy life.


  1. It is my hope you get what you want for Christmas!

  2. Me too. And I hope that you can worry and fear less.

  3. May the magic of Christmas bring you everthing you want! I wish for you to grow old and have lots of knee pain to complain and worry about, I wish to bump into you in 15 years and have such a good laugh that you have to run into the nearest store to pee, I wish for you to have to pull your hair out over Bennetts teenaged shannanagins (or how ever you spell that). Yes, this will happen...all of it...and I wish for you to keep bloging about it all.
    Health, Love and Christmas magic to you,Karen B
