Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Three Hours on the Ipad

That is what I did with B today and now I have an eye-ache. B is sick so when I got home form acupuncture I thought we would take a nap together. Ha! We took the Ipad for a spin and didn't stop. B is completely obsessed with puzzles. I think we have every free kid's puzzle available on our Ipad. I even bought a few. The ones that cost are a lot better - I have to say. I even broke down and got her a dress your princess paper doll-like game. She was enthralled for an hour. I was shocked at how slutty the clothes were.

Acupuncture was amazing today. The session lasts an hour, the actual acupuncture only takes about half that time. The rest is talking. I feel like I get so much out of that time, like maybe she should be my therapist. She works through this belief system based on The Work. I don't know much about it, but it certainly makes me feel better. She helped me understand that if I believe I will be in pain after the surgery, then I will. If I take the next three weeks and remember that I am a fast healer, and have a high tolerance for pain (both of these things are true), then I don't have to be in so much pain. That I will be in the pain I am in, and that it that. It was very freeing. What happened to me, is that I have been listening to other people's stories about the pain they were in and making it mine. It's not mine. Mine has not happened yet and you will know what it's like in the most minute detail. I will see how I feel Jan 3rd or 4th to see how I can get a post up.

In case you are wondering, the needles went into my head, feet, ears and hands today. I also realized that my ears don't blow anymore and the neuropathy I was starting to feel in three of my left hand fingers is gone. These are things we've been working on. I don't know if it's that I am getting a break from chemo or if it's the acupuncture, I don't care. It's just so much better.

The Cancer Connection is closed the week between Christmas and New Year's, so I lined up Reiki and acupuncture on my own. I want to make sure to continue to get all the help I can until my surgery, then I have lined everyone up to make house calls. I also got some homeopathic arnica to help me heal. I will tell my surgeon of course, but I am psyched to have all the help I can get.

I have a touch of a headache so I am going to get to bed early. Good night everyone. Sweet dreams.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear about your ears and the neuropathy! Your acupuncturist sounds very wise.
