Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Change of Plans

Just a super quick post tonight. Stayed in bed most of the day and only got out of bed to go to Barnes and Noble to watch B perform with her school. We may have been the only parents there without a camera. Luckily Aunt Julie saved the day and took this picture of B with Curious G.

They look a lot alike - curious...

The change of plan is the surgery is not until after Christmas. Still don't know the date, but Dr B called last night to say there was a misunderstanding between him and the surgeon about when my last chemo was. We have to wait a little longer until my WBC recover and the chemo is not so fresh. I sort of feel like I am going to get a nice break- then I remember that surgery part.

The timing change is good in some ways and bad in others. I like to get things done, so was happy to think it might happen in the next week or two. It gives us more time to prepare and arrange for help. We are going to be calling on all of you - 4-6 weeks recovery is a long time. Postponing also gives me more time to worry about what it's going to be like.

I have had a good experience at that hospital, so I am happy about that. I am worried about the pain, getting snowed in, all kinds of things.

I am not going to get into it, it's just the game fear is playing with me. Screw you, fear, get out.

Tonight an early night to bed and hopefully deep deep sleep. That is what I need.


  1. I was surprised to see the picture when I opened your blog. They do like curiously alike except that Bennett is cute beyond belief!

  2. What a great picture! Nice that you'll be able to enjoy Christmas. A little breathing room is good. Enjoy your progress. You are truly a warrior! L-s

  3. Horrrray!! you warrior woman kicking the crap out of this monster! It was great to open the computer this morning, after beeing away for several days, to hear such good news. My heart is smiling. Love to you all, Karen B
