Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Countdown Begins

This time, in a week, I will be in my hospital room. What will I be doing? Who knows, I hope that someone will be petting my head and God will be holding my hand. I have to admit, I am pretty scared. I haven't done this before, and I like to know what I am getting into before I do something. This is something that is totally beyond my ken. My sage friend Julie asked me today if I could boldly choose the surgery- that I could choose not the have it if I liked.


Then I realized she was right. In August was so pissed that I didn't get to have surgery first that I talked about my disappointment on and on. I am sure it got boring. So here I am a week before surgery and I am going to boldly choose the surgery. It is step two to saving my life. And I want to live. I can boldly choose life saving measures, and I just forgot surgery is precisely that - a life saving measure.

I will take my fear and examine it. I will live with it and know that it's all part of going into something totally unknown. I am afraid of being afraid, of being lonely in the hospital, of missing Pat and Bennett, of missing my house. All things I have said before, but they are still with me so I will keep talking about them.

Bennett and I went for a walk in the snow today. Talk about boldly choosing life. She is about as engaged in life as a being can be. In her new mouse hat that I made for her for Christmas (it was supposed to be a dog hat, but she immediately called it a mouse hat, okay by me), we played in the snow. I felt life so keenly, so perfectly wonderful. I must fight for more days like today. Like a flippin' warrior.


  1. Every courageous, ever focused, ever loving Warrior Ruth.

  2. I am so inspired by you! it's one thing to suggest boldly choosing surgery, it's another to do it.

  3. Thanks to Julie for helping you think this through. Can't wait to see the mouse hat. Fight on amazing Warrior Ruth!
