Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Posting with Star Wars

As you can imagine the fun in England continues. We went to the National Glass Centre and St Andrew's Church to see the stained glass. I have to say, though the church was over 1000 years old, the glass was not. Most of it looked like it was from the 60's. The 1960's, that is. There was one pretty spectacular set of windows that I would say were medium old and very beautiful. We lit some candles and I talked a lot about how we are sending our god wished up to God. Bennett said if we blow out the candles the wishes to God won't come true. It was a nice place to go. After that we went to Costco - it's nice to know that the United States has imported something as useful as a place where you can get a 19" pie for a couple of pounds.

We are waiting for the guests to arrive. We are having burgers and shrimp on the BBQ, lots of wine and some port that I got. I am ready for the feasting to continue. I have been walking around much more than I have been. It makes for a good appetite and good sleep. I've been sleeping in until 10 or later. It's so luxurious. I feel good. It's nice to be so far away from chemo. And I don't have to go back until 7 days after I come home. It's such a nice feeling to have so much time off. Mostly I just pretend that i don't have cancer here. It's very freeing.

I am watching Star Wars, and trying not to fall asleep. I hope it works. I'll keep you posted.


  1. Hi, Ruth! It was great to see you all and talk a little today. Tech Cavalry is coming to fix my Skype Thursday morning. You all sound like you are duly on vacation, for real. Go for it! Zeus is doing real good, and will be very happy when you get back. Love from the heat of western Massachusetts...

  2. Hi, Ruth- so glad you are all having a fun vacation. It sounds like you are doing quite a lot! It has been very hot here and we took our first pond swims of the season, which were delightful. The Canoe Club pool doesn't open til June 25! I suppose they have to wait for the high school-age lifeguards to finish school.

    Avy and I were having a slow day yesterday, as I was recovering from a stomach bug, and she was thoroughly bored. She said, "Can't you just call Bennett?" I should bring her over to Ruth's for a Skype session! We miss you guys and look forward to seeing you soon.

