Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Libby is Here!

Here is cousin Libby, here to visit and play. It is great to see her and have her here. Who knows what we will do. So far we have covered the Tuskegee Study, syphilis, WWII, skin heads, Jonestown, oh and school and Bennett. See, I told you she is interesting. More tomorrow.


  1. I'm glad that Libby is there with you! What a great picture of the two of you. I love the big smiles. Joanne :)

  2. The matching smiles are brilliant! Can't wait to see you next week and Libby in the summer. We're so lucky to have such a wonderful family.

  3. I spent the past weekend with Pat and Theo at Snow Farm. You really do have some beautiful and amazing people in your life. You should keep Theo with you all the time, she is sooo funny. laughing as much as one does in her presence will cure anyone of anything. Happy spring to you and pat and Bennett! Hugs and love, Karen B
