Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Brown Sweater, Check

I finished the complicated brown sweater.

I don't actually have it on and have a weirdly small head, I am holding it up. There's a cable up each arm and down the back. I didn't notice until it was all done that the pattern down the back is not centered and looks a little lame, but I will call it artistically placed and called it my own. 

I am feeling rather human today. I had a nice nice day. Play date with Sandy and Avy in the morning, I made something called Dutch Baby that my niece told me about - it's like a giant eggy crepes that you bake and eat with powdered sugar and lemon. It was good. A&S left when Pat took Bennett for her weekly Auntie visit, and I had the place to myself for about 4 hours. I didn't do much of anything. I mended Bennett's mini-mouse costume, started knitting an rusty orange cardigan for myself, and caught up on some TV. It was post-chemo bliss. It was just what I needed to really feel better. 

I have a list of things to do tomorrow. I am going to change my chemo schedule around so that I get a four week break and my off chemo week will consider with my travel/visitors schedule. Some part of me feels like it is a tiny bit irresponsible to put off chemo one more week, but I truly need a break. I have been really really good for that past 6 cycles, and since I am not off anytime soon, I am just going to take my chances and make my life a little nicer. Then I will get back on the cycle like a good girl.


  1. I love the celtic pattern - congratulations for finishing it! Sounds like you had a good day though I think that not giving yourself a break between knitting projects is a little masochistic.

  2. Nice sweater! Thanks for having us over. The Dutch Baby was delicious and I am going to try to make it myself. If your doctor OKs the chemo break, why not? You have been very responsible with all the treatments and you deserve full enjoyment of your trip and visitors. If we do not see you before you go, happy travels. We will miss you!
