Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Friday, May 13, 2011

Another Hello Visit

Here we are with my old (not in age, but in number of years we have known each other), dear friend Naoki. Contrary to Bennett's forlorn look, she loved N and started calling him "cousin Noaki" right away. She also wanted to have him snuggle her in bed, the ultimate compliment. 

N and I had a great visit and it was like we had just seen each other last week - it had been about 10 years. It's so fun to hear about his kids and husband and their world travels and other adventures. We had a day together while B was in school and didn't do much but go from eatery to coffee house to other spots to chat and chat. It was a blast. 

I am beat from all the fun. N left this morning and as soon as he left B burst into tears and said she wanted to watch a movie. She must get that from me - watching movies to help her when she feels sad. P and I got some time to spend together which was a gift. We just don't have enough time together - just the two of us. When her job at Snow Farm ends, we will have much more. I can't wait. 

Next week cousin Libby comes to visit which will be awesome. She is coming during a chemo week and I am trying to tell myself that I don't know for sure that I will be tired and queasy because I want to be a good and fun host. Libby is one of the most interesting people I know, so it will be a fun visit. And, boy, does Bennett love love love her. 

This weekend Pat is teaching all weekend so it will be a mom-o and B weekend. I think it will be fun. I hope the weather holds and we can make it to the park both days. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Great family picture. I'm so glad Zeus got in there too.
