Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, May 23, 2011

Shop 'Til You Drop

Well, I didn't really drop, but I might in about 20 minutes. I hung out with B this morning then P met me at the dentist. We were early so I sat with P&B while they had lunch and I had a grapefruit soda. I didn't want to get anything in my teeth. Anyway, I had to go to the dentist because my tooth broke for the third time. Dr. B. (the dentist) spackled it all up and that's all we can do. Dental work still being forbidden and all.

After the dentist I did as many things on the list that P&I made last night. Made a million calls, changed chemo, begged the unfeeling lady from British Airways to allow my to book my seats ahead of time without the $30 per seat fee (are they kidding?). I even played the cancer card. All I can say is I hope the rest of the people in England are nicer than that woman. I am pretty sure her karma is not in very good shape. Anyway, after all that, I went shopping. New pants and rain coat, a TSA friendly cover for the computer, a new magenta with white dots suitcase (Mary said to get something easy to spot), you get the idea. I forgot a few things that I will get tomorrow - like coffee and a new rain coat for Pat, some Dramamine for me and some gum and goodies for B.

I feel good. I don't have much to complain about. I still feel a little hungover from the chemo, but it's lessening. My feet heeled, no pun intended. My tooth is fixed. All is well.

I should tell you that B had an excellent day at a play date with her friend Spence from school. He asked her to come live with his family. Pat had to take her from the house literally kicking and screaming. Maybe she wanted to live with them, who knows. I do know that I want to live with her and I am pretty sure Spence's moms are not ready for all of us to move in (though, full disclosure, he only asked Bennett to move in).

Another great God given day. What more can I ask for?

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