Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Squeaking By

I feel a bit better. Rereading my last blogpost was like finding dirty undies on the floor after guests leave - mortifying. I fell asleep at 6pm last night and did not wake until after 7am this morning. I did get up once to get B a small glass of milk, but that's it. I guess I needed it. I have residual bad attitude, but actually had a very nice day.

The day was like this, hung out with B this morning while Pat worked. Aunties Liz and Julie took B to the zoo (lucky lucky) in the afternoon so I got to hang out with Sandy for a little while then go buy some pillowcases. I decided this morning while changing the sheets that I can no longer live with stained pillowcases. Life is just too short for that. I also got some red velvet cupcakes for me and B for dessert. They were excellent. I helped Pat pickle a quart of ramps (wild leeks) she foraged this afternoon and had a very nice dinner.

I noticed that when I was shopping I was very self-conscious and embarrassed about my hair. Everyone kept calling me sir, but that happens a lot anyway. I can't get the idea that being almost bald pegs me as cancer-person. I know there are lots of reasons why people are bald, and it's even chic for men to shave their heads, but really no hair? No eyelashes? No eyebrows? Okay, the last vestiges are still there, but not much. I am beginning to believe this is the kernel of my problem. The only way to get over this problem is to accept that I am going bald, will be bald for some time and that I have a really nicely shaped head. I will post tomorrow, with or without hair.

I need you all to send me some bald headed love. Seriously, I need it more now than ever.


  1. So nice to see you today, sans little ones! Wish I could have gone to the store with you to pick out pillowcases. Sending big bald-headed love your way!!! Talk to you soon.

  2. Giving your fantastically shaped smooth head an affectionate rub from here!

  3. Remember the painting I did of you 20 years ago? Is it time for another one? Or a portrait photography session? I'm game for a photography session if you are (I'm afraid my painting skills are rusty and may get in the way). Sometimes spending time with someone really looking at you, and then really looking at the results of them looking at you, can be really revealing and helpful. Let me know if you're interested.

  4. Ruth, you are beautiful, in all the ways that count, hair or no hair. Try not to worry about it too much. Posting again because I forgot to say "Happy Mother's Day" to two great moms.

  5. What Sandy said...on both counts. Happy Mothers' Day to both you and Pat.
