Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pretty Good News

Hello everyone. The news today was pretty good. No new cancer, some tumors stayed the same and some got smaller. For the type of cancer I have (KRAS Mutant), this very good news. Of course we were hoping for all the tumors to have disappeared, but since Dumbledore is not my oncologist, that was unlikely. I have something called foot and hand syndrome. Dr B says anything that has syndrome following it means that they don't have any idea what causes it or what to do about it. What it means to me is really dry hand and cracking feet. The weird cure for my feet is Gillette roll-on deodorant. I haven't tried it yet, but I will let you know. Another, more conventional treatment is some super lotion applied 6 times a day and sleeping with gloves and socks. I might try that over the roll-on.

So the scan is over and now starts the spring and summer activities, which will still include chemo every two weeks. Oh well. We are having tons of visitors and going good places. Lots to look forward to. I feel pretty good tonight, though I have that nagging thirst that only grapefruit juice can satisfy (thank you to Sally for telling me about it, and thanks to Ruth for sending me a case). I have a big day tomorrow. I am going to take B to school, I must go through the papers piles on the desk and the drywall guy comes at 1 to deliver the sheetrock. He calls is rock, so I might too. I am trying my best to get the electrician here too, but it looks like he'll be here Friday.

We live near Westover AFB, the planes are either taking off or coming in every few minutes. It's kind of freaky. Here's to a night of peace for us all, and a deep hope for peace everywhere. That and spontaneous complete remission. I had to throw that in.


  1. Ruth, this news makes me so happy! As does just reading your posts, hearing your voice in them, along with your wisdom and your tenderness. Hope you and your B-girls sleep well tonight, and awake looking forward to the great summer ahead.

  2. I'm so glad to hear your test results. When you hadn't posted earlier, we got very worried. We hear the jets at our house, too. Very scary. Charlie got so freaked out by the sound he went to sleep in the bathroom.

  3. Yeah! This really is great news; it means the treatment is working. You seemed to have so much more energy when I saw you compared to the last visit. Your plans for summer sound wonderful.

  4. Hey Ruth! I haven't posted in awhile but love reading about all that you are doing and am always amazed at how much you get done in a day compared to me! I was keeping my fingers crossed for you for the results and glad they came out good. We're in a Star Wars and Harry Potter stage over here so may the force and magic be with you! love, Beryl
