Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Late Posting Lameness

Last night I stayed up until 11:00 before I figured out that my friend, Naoki, is coming TONIGHT. So I am going to have another late night, but that's okay. I had a good day with plenty of energy and didn't really miss all that extra sleep I've been getting. Let's see if it holds true for two nights in a row.

Today I got paint for the bathroom trim, talked to Mary and had a great laughing time, went to acupuncture and the best thing of the day was picking up Bennett and going to park with her. Another best thing was when Pat surprised at the park to come and play. The weather was gorgeous and so is my family. I had a little heart pang this afternoon when Bennett didn't ask me to take her to the park, she asked me if I had enough energy to take her to the park. It took some effort for her little mouth to get around the word "energy," but she did it and it just about broke my heart. Nothing gets by her.

Oh, and then at the park we ran into a neighbor who I try my best to avoid, you see why. He walked up to me and said "man you look sick, what's up?" I told him I have cancer. He then told me both his sister and brother in law died last year from cancer and it was very painful and just awful, etc etc. Bennett was sitting next to me and grabbed my hand and said in a very confident voice, "Mom-o goes to the doctor." Which I took to mean F-you, asshole, shut up. My almost four year old daughter has got it going on. I then told this guy that the doctors and medicine were helping me and that I was good. Let's see if I can avoid him some more. Yick.

Nancy, the great acupuncturist, gave me some Chinese medicine for my feet. It's sort of stinky according to B, but it instantly makes my feet feel better and cooler. Not like menthol cool, but in a way that made me realize that my feet have been hot for days and I didn't really notice. So let's all cross our fingers that it works.

That's the story and I am sticking to it. Have a great night, comment me tonight. I will be up to see them!


  1. "My almost four year old daughter has got it going on."

    ...that she does. And I'm not surprised. What a powerful woman she will be.

    Love hearing about the ointment for your feet. Just hearing about it makes me feel better for you.

    Tell Naoki hello from Bob and Jim.

  2. Go, Bennett! I can't stand those people who respond to your telling them you have cancer by telling you a cancer horror story. I call it "competitive cancer" and I have as much patience for it as Bennett does. I'm glad she spoke up (and kept it clean!). Be well, friend. I think you have a glow to you that comes from inside and nothing can stop it.

  3. Hmmm . . . what a clod that guy was. good for Bennett for setting him straight. And honestly, you DO NOT look sick!!! especially with the fabu new red cap, you look bright as a button. some people are just serious downers about everything and I suspect I know who this guy is!

    anyway- see you soon.

