Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Where to Start?

Pat was nice as can be and let me sleep until 10. I didn't mean to fall back to sleep when we all woke up around 8, but I did. Out like a light. Then off to Ruth and Theo's for brunch with their good friend, Morgan. We had a feast - Theo is great at putting many many yummy things on the table that make the main dishes (buckwheat pancakes and eggs) taste even better. Pat and I sat on their couch for most of the day and just hung out. It was very pleasant. I will be doing that again soon.

Then we headed home without Bennett. And we quickly used the time to clean the house. Lucky because last night, when I woke up in the middle of the night, I asked myself who's house could this be? It was so messy. Now all the crap is put away, we had to get a bigger bin for all the Barbie stuff, and Pat even did a little mopping while I did the bills. Amazing what you can get done without the kid around. Then Pat made dinner for all of us. Delicious brisket, roast potatoes and steamed carrots. Yum. The brisket was so tender - her cooking skills get better every day.

Ruth is here now - bathing Bennett. I have been trying to keep still because of the pain in my abdomen, tomorrow we have a full day that starts with bringing B to school. I have mixed feelings about going to see Dr B on Tuesday. I am very grateful that I don't have to get chemo, but I also don't really like his glass half empty way of delivering news. Ruth is coming with me, so that will help. She is really good at remembering details and fun on the drive there and back. So, as Nancy would say there is only this moment, and no need to think about my appointment with Dr B. I will try my best to remember that. At least I know that he is not going to tell me again, for the first time, that I have cancer. That's been done, and never has to happen again.

1 comment:

  1. I took baby Marcos for his first Grandma outing on Saturday. We met our friends who have 6 year old twins at Wings, the butterfly place in Deerfield. I don't know if you have brought Bennett there or not, but I hear they are closing soon and it's worth the trip. Even little 5 month old Marcos was wiggling all over with excitement. His head was on a swivel watching the butterflies zooming around the tropical plants. It's a bit pricey, but special enough to be worth it.
