Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Guess it Hit Me

What? I am not sure. I have been out of it all day. Without knowing it, I slept until 1:30 and even then I wasn't sure I wanted to get up. I did nothing all day. Literally. I had a head ache and it took me a while to identify it. I took some tylenol and that helped. But it did not help me get off me butt. As a matter of fact I am in bed right now. Bennett came home from school with an bad tummy, so we just curled up in bed with movies and I haven't left. I don't ever want to leave.

We are not going to NYC tomorrow. The weather is supposed to make the roads sloppy, so we are going to wait until Saturday, and just cut our trip by a day.

I am so tired. I can't even name it. Tired is not even the right word for it. I don't like it, it doesn't feel like me. Maybe now I am Eeyore. Maybe someone stole my tail and that's what's wrong. I hope it doesn't last. I can't think of a way to make it better, but I will keep trying. Tomorrow is another day, thank God. And I get to try again. Maybe get out of bed at a reasonable hour...


  1. Ruth,

    maybe you just needed one of those stay-in-bed kind of days. I hope we did not wear you out last night, but it was good to hang out and talk. And those munchkins were so cute in the tub. Tomorrow is a new day and maybe you will feel like doing more. But if not, that's OK, too.

    Safe travels to NY.


  2. I wish I was there to curl up in bed next to you. Love your big sister.
