Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, January 23, 2012

Post 445

Today one of the kids in Bennett's school vomited all over the teacher and into a bucket. We have had a lot of throwing up in the bucket scenarios during Bennett's play tonight. At least it wasn't diarrhea.

All is as well as can be expected. I kept ahead of the pain much better today and that was really good. I knitted half of Matilda's hat, took B to and from school, gave B a bath and even took her to Walgreens (which she thinks is a big treat). Soon I will put her to bed and curl up with Pat to watch the latest episode of Downton Abbey.

Tomorrow I have my eye appointment and accupuncture. Yay for both.

Dana Farber called today and offered me a spot in a phase one trial. They are trying the maximum dose of some drug that I've never heard of. I just felt so hopeless when I was talking to Dr Mc. I told her I didn't want to do it because I know it would make me sick and I also know what phase one trials very very very rarely, if ever, extend life span. Don't start sending your stories about the miracle that happened to your Uncle's third cousin. I said no, and she confirmed that if I said no I could not call tomorrow with my mind changed. It's not going to change anyway. I do not, repeat, do not want to be barfing and be in pain at the same time. I just want the rest of my life to be as it is supposed to (well, one could argue that it was supposed to last 40 or so more years, but we won't get into that...). So that's that. And I feel good about my desicion. A little scared, but really good.

That's about all I have to report. I am taking reservations for anyone who wants to come visit. It would be good to see you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that you've made the correct decision - any opportunity that is for "right now only" sounds like a high pressure sales job designed to make you want something you don't need.

    Thanks so much for my sleeping cap. I wear it pretty much every night - it's so soft that on the weekend when it started to get light I pulled it over my eyes and slept in until 10.

    Love you lots. Mary
