Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A New Side of Dr B

So I finally figured out how to get Dr B to be really nice to me, I just have to be dying. Not that I am dying right this very minute, but I am full to the gills with cancer. I saw the PET scan, and my liver looks like it's polka dotted. Dr B is going to be my doctor, the next thing that is going to happen is I have to get a GYN oncologist to give me an exam because the tumors in my uterus have started to bleed. there are ways to make it stop, but they have to do some tests first.

The rest of the appointment went fine. Everything I asked for he said yes. Iam going get a handicap parking sticker, a letter so I can prove to the airline that I am healthy enough to travel, etc. I will see Dr B every month or so. The only thing I did not like was that he told me get in touch with hospice so they know who I am sooner rather than later. He said people do better when hospice is involved early.

Boy, heavy stuff, but true and really happening. I can't believe it either. Mostly I just want to get a good nights sleep, wake up tomorrow to a new day and maybe have a little fun. Not too much to ask.


  1. Really heavy. I'm glad Dr. B is being nice to you.

  2. super heavy. I think that even though getting to know the hospice people might not concern you its probably good for Pat and Bennett to be a little familiar with the surroundings....maybe it will help them even if just a little.
    Ruthie, you are so strong. I admire the shit out of you! I love you!!! TC

  3. It sounds like Dr B has a finite amount of niceness which he allocates properly.

    I'm really sad that this is what it has come to but am pleased that I'm travelling this journey with you. Keep asking for as much help as you can get from the system. That's what it is there for.

    Love you lots. M

  4. Ruth, I know hospice is a word you don't want to hear, but it does not necessarily mean the end is imminent. They can do amazing things to support your spiritual and mental health, as well as your physical comfort. (I remember them well from the assistance they gave to my aunt, who had stage 4 ovarian cancer). They can also be a big help to Pat and Bennett in dealing with all of this. Try to think of it as another resource to help you all manage. No one can truly predict how much longer you have.

    Sending love your way. Let's get together soon, OK?


  5. May I add my thumbs up to connecting with hospice. They are kind, caring and knowledgeable. One can always use another caring soul in their inner circle.
    Glad you had a better experience with Dr. B. Sounds like he is going to emotionally be there for you when you need it most.
