Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, January 9, 2012

The New Typical?

Today was a good day all in all. I got up and took Bennett to school, I had to pause there to remember if that was true. The only problem was I woke up exhausted and in pain. I am beginning to believe this is the new way things are going to be. More pain, less energy. I have some questions for Dr B. to help me get rid of some of the lingering effects of the chemo, and that might help me have some more energy. I am not sure there is anything that Dr B can do about the flashes of neuropathy that I still have in my feet. Or the complete lack of interest in ice cream. But my nose is still bleeding a lot and there are other things that I will not discuss here.

I also have to find out who my doctor will be, get a letter for the airline that says that I am okay to fly, and he is going to want to talk about the PET scan. I already talked about it with the doctor from Dana Farber, so I hope there will not be any additional surprises. Did I tell you that Ruth is coming with me.?One of the reasons Ruth is coming with me is Pat was afraid that if she went, she might punch Dr B. She is very mad at him, sure that he did something wrong. I asked the doctor at DF what the protocols were for colon cancer and she told me that Dr B did everything that she would have done. So that makes me not mad at him. I never liked him, and certainly would never have him over for tea, but I feel like he did the right things medically.

We are going to NY on Friday. We are staying at a boutique hotel in my old neighborhood (which was full of crack and hookers when I lived there, sorry Mom). We are excited to see those babies and Jessica and also Bob and Jim. B&J are doing something seldom done - they are travelling to Brooklyn to see us. That is really nice. I want the weekend to be as mellow as possible. Because I am tired all the damn time.

Today I took what I thought would be a short nap, I went to bed at 1:30, Pat woke me up at 2:45 (15 minutes after I was supposed to leave to get Bennett), she went to pick up Bennett and lo and behold another hour passed while I snoozed. Bennett finally handed me some pants and told me it was time to get out of bed. Must be pretty bad if my 4 year old is getting my pants for me...

Pat and I went to Trader Joe's this morning, and did other mundane things like go to the bank and tattoo parlor. Huh!?! Yep, we made an appointment this morning to get tattoos because I think it will be easier for me to die if I have P & B's names on me, then Pat decided she wanted my name on her. I told her she shouldn't because of her next girlfriend and I think that made her even more determined. Anyway, the tattoo people never showed up, so Pat remains ink-free and I will have to try a new parlor.

Another cool thing that Pat did was get a facial at the Cancer Connection. She literally looks years younger. I will have reflexology later in the week. I had the facial once. I made my face feel very moist. And that can't be bad, right?


  1. Good luck tomorrow, Ruth. I hope Dr. B has some answers for you and a plan to deal with the pain and fatigue. I'll be thinking of you.


  2. I'm so glad Pat got a facial! I get one once a month and it's my little guilty pleasure. Tell her I said to put away the scotch tape (she will know what I'm talking about) and make getting a facial at least every few months part of her routine. She deserves to be pampered a little bit.
