Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wee Little Summer Post

With a bowl of raspberries picked this morning and cream, I will write a short post.

We picked up Carly and Anna at the end of their first week at camp at Snow Farm. We were all really happy to see them, especially Bennett. We went to Conway to Karen's parents' house to pick raspberries. Pat and I picked about 5 pounds (yes, pounds!) while C&A&B played on the swing under a huge tree. We could hear them giggling and falling off the swing and having a blast. It was brutally hot under the netting, so we weren't greedy (there were tons more berries) and took off to the club. We were going to go to the Conway Pool, but it is closed for the season. The dam broke so there is no pool. So we went to the club. Lucky us - Brad, Sandy, Avy and Emma came and we all hung out for about 5 hours. It was blazing hot, so it was nice to be near the river and in and out of the pool. Unless you were Bennett and Avy, then you were just in the pool.

We took C&A shopping for things at the evil but cheap Walmart, took them back to SF and came home and crashed. Pat and Bennett are sleeping and I am about to join them. It is still hot and we haven't had rain in weeks. We need a good storm to pass through and give us a little relief.

Have a great night. Another day well lived. Tomorrow making raspberry jam and raspberry/sour cherry jam, hanging out and maybe going back to the club. I plan to have another well lived day, and another and another...


  1. Raspberry & sour cherry jam. The best jam in the whole world. I'm going to plant a sour cherry tree just so that I can make some.

    Thanks for looking after the girls. They're going to need to come to CA to get some serious rest!

  2. I was so sorry to have missed you in the berry patch. Please come back and pick more pounds!
