Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, July 18, 2011

Post 302

And the number of posts keeps climbing.

Here is the back of my head:

My hair is coming in a little bit - very fuzzy, about 1/8 inch long. It looks like a tornado, Pat thinks it's cute. I can always count on her to see the cuteness. 

We were supposed to have storms today. The tornado on my head is the closest thing we came to a storm - just a meager drop or two and goodbye clouds. We have been hand watering the front garden so the herbs don't die, and the new plum tree. I should have prefaced this statement with the fact that our front garden is made up of small green areas within our driveway. The area with the plum tree is about 4x10ft, maybe 12. It has herbs, the plum tree, a gooseberry bush, irises, Jerusalem artichokes and some black-eyed Susans. It's pretty crammed in, so easy to water. 

In other news, I made a wicked cole slaw for dinner and Pat made carmelized onion pork burgers. Aunt Ruth came over to play with Bennett and all went well. I took Bennett to see the new Winnie the Pooh movie. I did my movie duty today. Tomorrow we are picking up Carly and Anna for the evening. They have requested that we keep them out from 6 to 9. We may go to Harry Potter, or just hang out. I'll let you know.


  1. I think it looks like an amazingly perfect whirlpool and besides being cute, it's very cool.

  2. I hope you had fun with the girls tonight. I am getting very little news from Carly about their week at SF!

  3. A tornado or the eye of a hurricane! We can call you Hurricane Ruth now! Next time you go to a matinee, give us a call. We would love to come. Hope we get to see you guys before we leave for vaca on Sat. And again: a big THANK YOU for your help with the computer.

  4. i love your swirl! is Pat's email the same or has it been changed? no response from her so wondering if snow farm addy no longer works?
