Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Still Pumping

Imagine my surprise when I looked up at the title and it said "still pimping." I fixed it, but I might use it another day...

Quiet, rainy day filled with a lot of nothing much. Took B to school, tried to walk Zeus but he wasn't interested in a walk in the rain. Watched some TV on the computer while trying to take it easy. I will not go into another diatribe about how hard it is for me not to do much. Cleaned up a little and did the bills. I am ashamed to say I hadn't paid them the slighted attention since the first of the month. Thank goodness for auto bill pay!

The big activity, if you can call it an activity, was my weekly heavenly reflexology appointment with the magical Marianne. I am on the list of folks who can have reflexology every week at the Cancer Connection. Usually folks are only allowed to come every two weeks. I finally got up the nerve to ask why I am on the list. I was afraid it was that they knew more about my prognosis than I, that they knew something terrible was happening, and all that paranoid stuff. Pat handily reminded me that they don't know anything more than what I've told them and they do no have access to my medical records. So, Marianne said I am on the list because I am actively receiving treatment and that I respond so well to reflexology that she would like to see me every week to help work through some of the symptoms as she can. I love her for that. She is so attentive during the session, because I cry a lot, she tells me different ways to breathe so I can be calm and still have my feelings. It's just such a relief to be touched in a non-medical way, in a room that smells really good and there's always soothing music. And at the end, she puts my socks back on my feet. I can't tell you what a humbling experience that is for me.

Pat has been picking up B at school this week because I can't visit that pool of germs. So I had a few lonely minutes alone before my family came home and it was so good to see them. I have been meaning to write a little more about being lonely. I am lonely these days not because I don't have stellar people around, calling me, sending care packages and books. I am lonely because I finally realized that no matter who is around me, I have to do this journey myself. Not by myself, but myself. It hit me in the hospital when the oncology nurse looked me in the eye and said, "and infection for you is a big deal, life and death, so don't mess around." This was when I was complaining about getting rid of the houseplants and not being able to pick up and drop off Bennett.

At that moment it made sense to me how tenuous things are at the moment. Life and death seemed really abstract, but hooked up to three IV antibiotics in an isolated room with warning labels on the door is nothing to mess with. When I took walks around the hospital I had to wear a mask, when I was in the ER, I had to wear and mask the entire time I was there, even while I was asleep. It sort of put things in perspective for me. Okay, Mary and Libby were wearing masks too, troopers that they were (and are), but it was my body fighting the war. It did a good job and I will do everything I can to protect it from another fight like that, because I want every ounce of energy that I can muster for the bigger fight. For my life.


  1. Wow. I'm humbled by you allowing me to look through this amazing window into your deepest feelings and thoughts.

  2. Thank you for letting us in on the loneliness/aloneness. I know that having our support doesn't take any of it away, but hopefully it helps you face it as you must.
    Love you!
