Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, September 20, 2010

Still in the Dang Hospital

With no release date yet. I am praying for Tuesday, which is what they said when I arrived. Arrived! Hah, was admitted. This is no spa, I can tell you. Everyone has been super nice and competent. I will digress about the only intern who gave me pause:

My first night in the ER - because of of the Neutropenia, I was in my own isolation room with a sliding glass door and everything- this internist (whom my sister called "quite the junior internist) walked in and a little fell asleep on his feet for a moment, blinked himself awake and asked "so, how long have you had cancer?"  My only answer could be, "I would love to know." Then he managed to get an eye open to say some other jackass things like, "Other than the stage-four cancer, the pain in abdomen, and the fever; tell me, how is your health?" I told him he was not instilling my confidence is his abilities. I had hoped it would rattle him for the remainder of his (improved by my candidness) career, but I bet he thought he was having a bad dream about a giant mean white lady.

My other experiences have been really pretty good, and I am happy to be getting better. I am on IV antibiotics- three flavors- Zosyn (piperacillin and tazobactam), Flagil (metronidazole) and given once a day at 5 a.m., Vancomiacin. Every known substance in my body is being cultured and they take more blood every day. Because my implantable port was a possible infection site, I have a IV. They are, right now, giving me IV antibiotics through my port because there is some idea that if the port is infected, it might help.  But, IF the port is the infection site, it can't be used to get blood. Thus, the IV. We won't know if the port was infected until all the culturing happens and that takes a full five days (Friday through Tuesday- it took me a long time to put these two facts together).

Another possbility - clostridium difficil - difficil meaning, of course difficult. This is, as I understand it, a very nasty bacterium that causes stabbing abdominal pain, terrible gas and diarrhea. It also has a particularly foul odor. By foulness alone, Pat, Bennett, Libby, Mary and any other person who came over Thursday or Friday can attest, I am pretty sure I had this. They will know when that culture is done.

I had a CT scan which revealed gastroenteritis, inflammation of the GI tract. Also very painful. Caused by? Chemo? C.diff ? Some other infection, yet to be revealed?

At this cliffhanger, I will sign off.

Basically it was a good thing I came in.


  1. Ruth- Damn those interns. They can be completely clueless. Remind me to tell you about my experience with an intern after giving birth.

    After all this I am glad to see you still have that big, beautiful smile. And I cannot believe how much you and your sister look alike! You could be twins. Hoping tomorrow is get-out-and-get-home day.

    Avy and Bennett had fun at Metcalf playground yesterday and there were no squabbles to speak of. They were so cute when they said goodbye. Bennett was hanging out the window and Avy came over and they just looked at each other and touched fingertips.

    Hang in there!

  2. Ruth - I would get the interns name, find out who his Attending is (which service he is rotating through) and speak to the Attending. The only way this idiot will learn is through a medical leader speaking to him. Trust me you are helping hundreds of future patients and him...
    Sending love & hugs

  3. "...but I bet he thought he was having a bad dream about a giant mean white lady." You made me literally giggle out loud at this one.

    Ruth, one of the things I haven't mentioned about this blog: I can hear your voice so clearly in the narration. From the sleepy-child intern to the clostridium difficil, you are narrating to me and I'm giggling, grimacing, groaning, tearing up and calming down, as if you were right here in the room over tea. I'm looking forward to really being in the room with you sometime soon. Until then, I'm listening for your voice here.

  4. PS: the word verification on my previous post was "zootridu." It's not in the dictionary. We may need to come up with a definition for it.
