Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


That's we used to say to each other in college when we thought something good was going to happen and it didn't. Psych! No chemo today. My white blood cells were too low for a round to be safe. I was pretty bummed, but the super nice nurse assured me that the dose I had two weeks ago was so massive that this is really common. She also said it still working and not to be discouraged. Dr. Bathini said the same thing. We are going to do six rounds before the next scan. I am already nervous about it. But, I chant, I have nothing to be afraid of. I have God and all good things.

So I wait another week and go on a Wednesday which totally messes up daycare. But, we will do what we need to do to get there in that chair with my shiny new white blood cells. PS There isn't a way to make more, except wait for my loyal and smart body to do its thing. Anyone praying out there? Pray for the white cells (and complete healing, of course).

I could do an entire post about chemo and poop. I will spare you. Let's just say, it's a big subject in my house.

The roiling gas is gone, I think. It was so painful last night I woke up several times from my lovely Atavan sleep. That was pretty freaky. When I talked to Dr. B. I told him about the pain, the very first thing he asked me was "have you had Chinese food lately?" Well, yes, on Sunday night. The MSG and chemo drugs do not mix. He said as the food works its way through my system, I will feel better. Yay. I will miss the egg foo young, but not enough to have balls of prickly fire moving through my gut. Then when I asked if I could take Advil for the pain he said no, and handed me a prescription for oxycodone. The stuff that famous people get addicted to. I broke a tablet in half with the needle-nosed pliers in the car and in about ten minutes, I felt so much better and floatier and had to close my eyes for about two hours. No more pain, no more actual participation in my life. I have to find a balance.

I have lots to be grateful for tonight. I felt so tired and Pat encouraged me to take a walk. I talked to my mom and she doesn't mind talking about poop at all. Amazing. Bennett saying back to Pat "you might be frickin' hot, but I am not frickin' hot." Oops.

Another excellent gift of a day - even with the bumps and bangs. I can take it.

1 comment:

  1. No MSG and Chemo!?? How many recipes does that eliminate!? "Eliminate." That's probably a big word around your house too these days.

    Thought of you several times today and sent up a word of prayer. It all goes somewhere, with or without chemo. I'll direct it toward white blood cells.

    And lots of love.

    Still smiling each time I think of you and Pat across the table from us last Saturday night.
