Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Maiden Voyage

This photo is from last year, but I wanted to start with something really wonderful. And there is my really wonderful family, Pat and Bennett.

Today was return the pump to Worcester day. My faithful friend Liz, who has been shuttling me back and forth to Worcester came down with a cold. Remembering my last post about not being around sick people, no matter how nice, Pat and I decided it was time for me to try to get to UMASS by myself.  Luckily I woke up feeling great. I took Zeus for a longer walk than yesterday, made myself busy in the house while listening to Theo continue to work her magic on the trim in the bedroom.  It looks beautiful and I am so happy the bedroom is coming along.

As luck would have it, one of Pat's colleagues sent to us a bag of things like the Harry Potter books on CD.  I am pretty sure these items were meant for Bennett. But in all times of stress, I read Harry Potter. I am on #3, so I grabbed the CDs and off I went to Worcester at 12:15.  It was great to have such good company.  I wish Dumbledore lived in my house. Is it bad karma to wish that Dumbledore was my oncologist? I really like and trust Dr. Bathini, but there is something about Dumbledore - and I know you know what I mean.

I arrived exactly when the pump started beeping that the drugs were done, and in a blink of an eye they unhooked me. I have to say it was a little weird because they have to unlock it and unscrew it out of my skin - a little like a childproof cap. I meant to take pictures of the pump and the tubes into my chest so I could post them, but I forgot. Maybe some higher power was working on my memory to spare you all those photos. I will soon be posting pictures of me with my hair. It's longer than it's been in years.

Just in time to fall out. Good thing I like to knit. Good thing I have a nicely shaped head. I can say that confidently because I have had more than one hair dresser remark on it.  We will soon find out...

So that's it medical treatment-wise until 8/31. Now I get to do the activities that I can manage as long as I stay out of the sun, out of hot tubs and take my meds every eight hours without fail.

I am super tired and am looking forward to a nice sleep. Keep me in your light.

1 comment:

  1. I've always admired the shape of your head from afar.

    It was nice to talk to you yesterday while you were sitting in the shade at the farm. I was enjoying your sunshine as it is in short supply here.

    Anna can recite the entirety of Harry Potter from listening to Stephen Fry read the UK version about 1000 times. I kid you not. She is THE HP expert. Wishing that Dumbledore was your oncologist is perfectly reasonable, however then there would be the possibility of the existence of Voldemort, which isn't so comforting. BTW - Dr Bathini sounds like the name of a 19th century illusionist.

    The produce from the garden is coming thick and fast. Am making your preserved hot peppers today. Good thing I'm coming to visit - I'm running out of pickling salt.

    Stay in the shade but feel the sunshine.

    Love you.

