Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Friday, January 13, 2012

Much Better

So this morning after dropping Bennett of at school and getting Pat from the car mechanics, I went right for the couch. I just wanted to melt into the couch and stay there all day. Pat, because we agreed upon this, told me to sit up and take some pain meds. We found out last night that I have a hard time with detecting lower levels of pain and that is what makes me so tired (like staying in bed all day yesterday). So I did. And 15 minutes later we were on our way to Home Depot of check out sliding doors and order the lumber for the second loft. Then we went to Staples and had lunch together (not at Staples). After lunch, I hung out and Pat did this and that (I honestly don't remember) and then we went to pick up Bennett from school. After school we took her to shop shop shop and when we got home I gave her a bath and put her to bed. And now I can officially say that I a pooped. And I deserve it.

A much better day than yesterday. I solemnly swear to remember that pain killers are my friends and to take them when I need them.

Tomorrow we are off to NYC to meet Jessica's most fabulous little babies. I am not sure when we will see B&J, but I can't wait. The goal is to make this trip as mellow as possible. And that is what we are going to do. After St Lucia, I decided, it's time for people to come visit me. I am getting tired and I think I would like that more. Unless, of course, I decide we need to get to Egypt.


  1. Good for you guys for recognizing that lower level of pain is contributing to your fatigue and then doing something about it. I hope you have a blast in NYC and that everyone makes this trip as easy as possible for you.


  2. We are so ready to see you. Give us a call on your ride down in the morning and we'll make our plans!
