Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, January 30, 2012

Dail-A-Dude is Back

So today I had another meeting with Cooky, my hospice nurse. She is great and makes me feel like she is totally on my side and will take care of me no matter what. How nice is that? We were talking about pain meds and my meds journal and were brain storming what to do. She had a couple of good ideas, long acting this, a patch of that, etc. Then I said, let me look in my medicine cabinet and see if I have anything else - since we decided the Vicodin and Oxycodone were not cutting it. She told me and Pat that we had done a good job cobbling together pain management with just what we had in the cabinet and no coach. Anyway, I brought out good ole' Dilaudid. That's the drug that they gave me too much of when I was in Holyoke hospital and I had to call Bob to talk me down. Anyway, Cooky was happy to see that Dial-a-Dude and that is what I am on. I took the first pill and went to bed. Twenty minutes later I was ravenous, and had to get up to eat. Then I just wanted to hang out. I felt like my old self. It was wonderful. Cooky worked out a plan with Dr B and that is what I will be on for at least the next 36 hours. He wants to know it's working before committing.

So it was a pretty good day after all.

In case we didn't already know that Dr E is quite possibly the lease competent member of the medical profession, she called again today. She called to tell me the physical therapy associates she referred me to, don't actually do pain management, so she referred me to a sports medicine practice. That ought to help. And never mind that all this time she's been screwing around, I've been in pain. What the F*?

Tomorrow I am taking B to school, I have an appointment with an herbalist. I am not convinced about going, but Pat is coming and I think it will be interesting to see what she wants to know. At this moment, I would rather just continue to see Nancy, but I will go with an open mind. And I will let you know about it. Now that we seem to be on the right track in terms of controlling pain, I am sure I will have a more varied subject matter. I want it too.


  1. Yay--I'm gad you found a way to get your life back!

  2. Taking Dial-a-Dude...and then calling Bob to talk you down. There's kind of a nice symmetry in that. Actually I'm happy you've got Cooky to help manage it.

    I still can't read about Dr. E without getting really pissed-off.

    Hoping for another good day for you tomorrow.

  3. This is great news Ruth. So glad Dial-A-Dude is working. I've always wondered where the medical students pulling D's end up. Guess we know where one ended up.
