Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chemo Today

Well, the Neulasta did its job - my WBC were 4700. That is 4300 more than the first time I did this dose without Neulasta. I was pretty out of it then. I feel completely wiped out tonight so only  a short post.

Chemo went fine, I have my pump. Ruth drove me and Liz took care of Bennett. Sandy brought soup for me and lollies for Bennett. The sunroof on the new car leaked all over Pat while she was driving home from work and that will need to get fixed ASAP.

I am going to bed. Goodnight and thanks for all the good wishes. They are working.

1 comment:

  1. That's good news (except the car - darn!)

    Take good care of yourself (at the same time as letting everyone else look after you too).

