Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Friday, October 1, 2010

A Little Nutella Never Hurt Anyone

I hope. In my quest for mushy foods, and my need from something other than protein shakes and yogurt, I have taken to eating Nutella from a spoon. Can you blame me? Last night I nearly licked the computer when I saw an image of sushi. The hard part is not getting enough tasty food, it's that I can't really prepare things from fresh veg and fruit, so I go for the easy soup packets from the pantry and a fab mashed potato soup from potato flakes that Mary taught me. But really, this gal needs a slice of pizza and some sushi. I will, I suppose, have to wait until my colon is repaired. Until then, send willingness to eat soft foods my way. I will continue to cultivate gratitude for being able to eat without pain now for 5 days!

Now, that's something to celebrate. That and dropping off my pump today. Julie drove in her snazzy car with heated seats - my butt has never been so cozy. I got a chance to talk about some of my fears (ad naseum, poor Julie) and feel much better. Thank goodness.

I will make this a short one, lots of love to everyone. Bennett has a cold, Pat is working on the torch, I am going to watch a little TV on the computer and hit the sack early. Let's all pray for a nice quiet weekend, with lots of good health and healing light.


  1. Sounds like that you're feeling a lot better.

    I once found an empty jar of Nutella with a spoon still in it in Anna's bed when I changed the sheets.

    Get some polenta on - mom's recipe is wonderful!

  2. Nutella from a spoon is the best! I was enjoying some today, in fact. Next time I have a spoonful (is tomorrow too soon?) I'll be thinking of you and sending healing thoughts as always.

  3. Nutella is to Ruth as Almond Butter is to Bob. Both equal a spoon full of energy and joy. Love you both.
