Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, October 25, 2010

Eskimo Kisses

Oh, they are probably not called that anymore, but that's what I got from Bennett right before she fell asleep and they were divine. She is divine. What a doll and if I didn't think it would wake her up, I'd go take a picture of her and post it right now. Instead I post a picture of Pat and me, when I had a little more flesh and a lot more hair.

Today was Monday. Mondays are hard because they seem endless. Pat is gone from 8am until past 10pm. It makes a long day with B and I get tired. Today I stole two naps - one while she was watching Diego and another when Sandy generously offered to take over while we all at the library. The library being my second foray into the world after the hospital. I don't think I posted that Dr B. told me it was okay to go out into the world if I used my common sense - I am still not allowed to pick B up from school or go to places packed with people. That makes sense. I have to say, though, that I am still really  paranoid - it was not fun to be in the hospital for a week with some bug or infection that seemed to scare everyone but me. Oh, I was so naive, I am plenty scared now.

So, I had a luxurious nap while B was playing with Sandy and Avy and I realized that it helps me nap better if I have some sort of white noise going. It must distract the bad voices. I played wave sounds and it was lovely.

I also had a call from the pastor from the church I went to yesterday. He was very nice, but was clear that  their church is not open and affirming. This is code for gay-friendly. He said they follow the bible and that being gay is a sin. What a bummer. He referred me to another church in Holyoke that actually broke off from his church to be more liberal. I thought that was very big of him, after all he was trying to get me to a place where I would feel comfortable and not trying to de-gay me. I will try to the new church this weekend - St Peter's on Jarvis. Anyone know anything about it?

That's about it. I tried really hard to do chores and make life seem as normal as possible. I do have something to ask everyone. It is really hard for me to keep my perspective if no one tells about their lives. I understand some of you out there feel like your life stuff can't compare to cancer, but I really want to know. I want normal in my life, too. Oh, we will talk plenty about cancer and WBC and chemo and whatever, but I want to hear about your kids and the crappy thing that so-and-so did, so I can remember that life is more than trips to the doctor, hand sanitizer and endless bowls soup. If I don't get some fried shrimp soon, I don't know what I am going to do. I'd settle for pickle.


  1. Okay, so here's a little friend shrimp from Bob and me: I changed my profile picture to a new one taken of us at a fundraiser Angela Cavazza threw at Bric on Madison Avenue where she works, to supports "You Can Thrive!", which is an organization for breast cancer survivors. Bob is 60 pounds lighter than he was in the previous picture. There are more pictures here

    I keep thinking how much Bob’s hands and wrists remind me of yours as he’s losing weight.

    Sorry to hear about the phone call from the pastor. Yeah, he did you a *big* favor by telling you now, up front, and by giving you a referral, but I always think what impudence, what a sense of entitlement, to think he has the right tell someone she’s not welcome. Hope the journey and the search lead you someplace that is loving and welcoming to you, even if it's simply a round trip back to your home.

  2. Having grown up in a born again Christian church- for this pastor to not start praying right then and there for the salvation of your sinful soul is pretty amazing. Then again, born again Christians would be praying for HIS misguided soul.
    All is well at Snow Farm. Can't believe this is the last week of classes. Time goes too fast. Loved having Bennett here last week. She did really well.
    Karen T
