Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just Another Day

Of rest and relaxation and frustration. I am obsessed with getting this drug that helps WBC counts. All day I have been trying to figure out a way to talk my doc into giving it to me. I've asked twice already that I can remember. Pardon if I am repeating myself, but I can't understand why I can't have it. It's a drug called Neupogen, there's another one called Neulasta. They are expensive and have some side effects. Okay, what in this process isn't expensive (I happen to know my PET scan was $5200), and I am getting to know more about side effects every day. This totally blows.

Don't forget I am coming off being pretty angry about not getting chemo yesterday. I am also despairing of the fact that I have not once been able to have chemo on schedule (supposed to be every other Tuesday).

To be fair, the explanation that I got about not getting the WBC shot, is that they only use it for people who have much more rigorous treatments - let's say every week and it is not possible WBC counts in that time frame. BUT BUT BUT I want to say "I can't recover in two weeks, give me the shot." I will keep you posted on what Dr. B. says, I will call him tomorrow.

Here is the fab quilt that my sister-in-law sent. I forgot to say that Trisha specifically used fabric with bees just for Bennett.

Today was a quiet day - other than the obsessing. I hung out in the new bedroom while the cleaning lady made our house look a lot better. It's hard when everything is so old - the tub has got to be 60 years old, and the linoleum too. So it's clean, but it's worn, and it's ours and I love that it's all clean. I am so happy to have a mom who encourages me to do things like hire a cleaning person. She has an unusual name, so I don't want to use it without her permission, that is why I keep calling her the cleaning lady and not by a name. I did exactly what a person who is neutropenic is supposed to do - sat on my butt and did very little. I watched two TV shows about medicine - Grey's Anatomy and House. You'd think I wouldn't want to, but they were oddly compelling today. I knitted, I painted with Bennett. Here is one of the paintings she did today. Notice the pupils in the eyes - when she was painting them she said "and now the eyeballs." Pure genius.


  1. I love this post. I love the quilt and the painting.

    I also love that you've moved on to watching House & Grey's Anatomy. We watch House in this house. As Anna says - nobody actually has cancer in House, they just think that they do.

    Love you lots. Keep sitting on your butt and making those WBCs.

    PS - Had the best sleep since I got back last night.

  2. Hey, Bennett draws just like I used to draw ... a person without arms and legs! I'm not sure when I got around to adding those body parts to my people, but it was after kindergarten. love, Joanne
