Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Still Here

Yep, I am still in hospital. As it turns out, I did not have C.diff, just a certain high level of foulness never before reached in our circle of friends. All the cultures came back clean, so the best answer I got is it was some sort of bug. After reading just a tiny bit about how to take care of myself while neutropenic, there are so many ways I could have caught something.

A quick over view of what I can't do when I get home:

have houseplants
pet the cat without gloves
touch the fish tank
eat raw fruits or veg
handle raw fruits or veg
let the animals into the bedroom
wear outdoor shoes into the house - this also applies to you too!

You get the idea. It's going to be a challenge, but we can do it. Yes, we can. Because that is the only option. Plus, my WBC won't always be so low.

Why aren't I out yet? My WBC went up in a hopeful way yesterday, but plunged again this morning. They have to make sure they will not go further down tomorrow.

I will give you more info tomorrow as I know it. I feel much better and have more stories but Mary must take the computer home. Until then...


  1. " the cat without gloves..." Can you still pet the cat that has gloves?

    Looking forward to more stories when you get home to your own computer. Until then, thanks for the updates, and rest!

    Lots of love.

  2. Cheering for that WBC to climb back up and get over its temporary fear of heights.

    Love and hugs (no gloves needed in virtual-land)

    Bobbin and crew
