Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, September 6, 2010

Oh Was I Sick!

What happened? I woke up at 6 a.m. as I do every morning, ate my four bites of yogurt, ate four more bites of yogurt and went back to bed. The step I missed, between the four bites was to take my anti-nausea medication. Oh, was I sick. It took a few hours for it to hit, really about eight hours before I was actually barfing, but the hours before that were terrible. Even the pain meds couldn't touch it. Luckily the vomiting only lasted a few minutes, once I was done, I felt so much better. Imagine the people before me who've had to go through chemo without the meds we have now. How I felt last night was how I imagine chemo would be like - pure misery that nothing could distract me from. Dr. B. told me that if I follow the regimen that he spelled out, I shouldn't have any nausea. I didn't realize how serious he was. I will never miss another pill - have set up my pill minder system and have Pat on full alert now.

I had a great night's sleep, woke up to the pleasure of my sister Joanne and two of her kids here. They have all of us under their spell - the perfect visitors. Bennett is totally in love with her cousins and when she first woke up with morning she said "is cousin Libby still here? And the other one too?" It may have been the hardest 30 minutes to wait until she could go snuggle with cousin L.

Tomorrow B starts her new school. Wish us luck.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ruth- Sorry to hear that you got so sick. thank God for "On Dancer On" or whatever that anti-nausea med is. I am sure you will never forget to take that again!! I hope B's first day at Prelude went well.
